Steampunk D&D: Alchemist
This is playtest material and we will update it as we test it. We have only developed this class up to 10th level. If you have any feedback, we’d appreciate hearing what you have to say.
Hit Dice: 1d6 per alchemist level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution modifier per alchemist level after 1st
Ability score improvements or feats at 4th and 8th levels.
Armor: Light Armor
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Rapier, Scimitar, Short Sword, Whip
Tools: Alchemist Apparatus
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Dexterity
Skills: Choose two from History, Investigation, Medicine, Alchemy, or Nature.
Contacts: Sage, Fixer, or “I know a guy”
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background.
Rapier or Scimitar
Alchemist apparatus (travel sized)
Scholar’s pack or Explorer’s pack
Recipe book
Utilization of Solutions
Imbibe – The solution must be ingested to be used. Only one solution can be imbibed in a round.
Apply – The solution has to be spread onto the creature or item to receive the effect.
Throw – The solution container must be thrown or the liquid spilled out of the vessel to be used. If the vessel is thrown then the vessel is destroyed.
Vessel – The effect takes place within the vessel. The vessel will need to be washed to be used again.
Up-mix – Alchemists can make their recipes stronger by mixing them at a higher level. Alchemists cannot mix above their Solution Mix ability level (for example, at 3rd level an alchemist can mix any of their solutions as a 2nd level recipe, but not as a 3rd level recipe).
Transportation of Solutions – Due to the volatile and/or delicate nature of the solutions, only a certain number of solutions can be on the alchemist at one time. The number of solutions is shown on the alchemist’s table of how many recipes they have mastered along with how many solutions they can carry of each level. An up-mixed solution counts as the level that the solutions is up-mixed to. For example, if Entangle is up-mixed to cover a 40’ square then it is counted as a 2nd level solution.
Non-Alchemists can only carry one 1st level solution
The alchemist needs their alchemist apparatus and an open fire to make new solutions. Brewing takes an hour to set up a workstation and then 10 minutes for each level of the recipe of the solution being made.
Alchemist Creation
After years of study, you can create alchemist creations.
Discipline Solutions
Some of the disciplines have a list of recipes that you gain as the alchemist levels noted on the discipline’s description. The recipes do not count against your total number of recipes known for a level.
Solution Ability
Alchemist DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
Alchemist attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier
Alchemist solution modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
Finesse Weapon Bonus: You can add your Intelligence modifier to any attack and damage with a finesse weapon.
Anti-Solution: Anti-Solutions can be mixed for any solutions that the alchemist knows how to make as long as it has the Anti-Solution tag. Anti-solutions counteract the solution that they are mixed for or reduce damage/effectiveness if the solution is up-mixed higher than the anti-solution.
Anti-Solutions as Reactions: Starting at 3rd level, alchemists can throw any anti-solutions that they have as a reaction to any solutions thrown by anyone that they can see or see the location that the solution was thrown to.
Mixed Solutions: At 9th level you can combine two recipes to create a new solution. The level is decided by total of the two recipes, for example combining Fatigue (a 1st level recipe) with Deafened (a 2nd level recipe) would make a 3rd level recipe. The solutions can be up-mixed, but that will affect the level when calculating what the alchemist can carry. The level of the two mixed solutions cannot exceed the level of what the alchemist can currently carry.
Alchemist Disciplines
At 1st level, you choose a discipline of either: Ammunitionist, Apothecary, or Engineer. Each archetype grants you special features.
You have dedicated your life to perfecting the use of firearms. At 1st level, you gain access to all firearms as a proficiency and have a pistol. They also gain the ability to build Crafted Bullets which allows them to make a bullet that they get to add their alchemist solution modifier to the damage. They can have as many of these bullets as their proficiency modifier at one time. It takes an hour to craft each bullet.
Solution Bullets
At 1st level, you select one solution from your known recipes that you can make into bullets for muskets or pistols. You can carry as many bullets as is equal to your proficiency bonus. This does not count against the number of solutions or crafted bullets you can carry. It requires one full day to produce the bullets. You cannot make more bullets than what your proficiency bonus is. You can choose one more solution at 3rd level, 5th level, 7th level, and 9th level. Bullets can be made from upmixes and mixed solutions, but the upmix and mixed solution(s) level can not be higher than the Solution Bullet being made.
A Crafted Bullet cannot be made into a Solution Bullet.
No apply only Utilization solutions that do not cause damage can be used to make a Solution Bullet, unless an incorrect utilization can cause damage or any of the following conditions - Incapacitated, Unconscious, Paralyzed, or Poisoned. No solutions that have a healing property can be made into a solution bullet, even if an incorrect utilization can cause damage.
If an opponent is targeted and is successfully hit by a solution bullet, then they do get a saving throw. If the solution has an area effect then anyone else within range of the effect can try to make a saving throw as normal.
I Meant to Hit the Other One
If you miss with a Solution Bullet, you can use your bonus action to reroll your attack roll and try to hit another target with 60’ of your original target. If there is no additional target, then the bullet hits an obstacle within 60’ of the original target.
You have devoted your life to healing. You gain proficiency in the Medicine skill.
Healing Hands
The apothecary can heal a number of times equal to their proficiency bonus. After a minute of treatment, the apothecary can roll 1d6 to heal or remove one level of exhaustion. This ability replenishes after a long rest.
Anatomy Knowledge
At 3rd level, you gain an extra damage die to all your weapon attacks. At 3rd level the damage is d6, at 9th level it is a d8, at 15th level it is a d10, and at 17th level it is a d12.
Medicine Expertise
At 6th level, you gain expertise in Medicine.
You have dedicated your life to learning the discipline of how machines work. You gain proficiency in one of the following: Carpenters Tools, Navigators Tools, Smiths Tools, Tinker Tools, Land Vehicle (train), Water Vehicle, or Air Vehicle (Air Ship)
Clockwork Creation
You can create a construct that obeys your commands. When doing repairs, your clockwork creation can give the engineer advantage on their die rolls. In combat, it shares your initiative count, but it takes its turn immediately after yours. It only takes the Dodge action on its turn unless you use your bonus action to give it a command. It has the following stat block:
You can use a short rest to repair your clockwork creation. You will use your hit die on your clockwork creation instead of getting the healing for yourself. You can also forfeit hit dice during a long rest to repair your clockwork creation.
Starting at 2nd level the engineer can add one of the following abilities to their clockwork creation by spending an hour and 100gp of materials:
Dagger or hand crossbow Attack
+2 to AC
At 3rd level the engineer can add the following ability to their clockwork creation by spending an hour and 300gp worth of materials:
Load one solution into the clockwork creation that it can carry and use on command.
Select one of the options from one of the previous upgrades.
At 5th level the engineer can add one of the following abilities to their clockwork creation by spending an hour and 500gp worth of materials:
Add a climbing, swimming, or flying speed of 30 ft.
Sword or crossbow Attack
Select one of the options from one of the previous upgrades.
At 7th level the engineer can add one of the following abilities to their clockwork creation by spending an hour and 700gp worth of materials:
Acid, Cold, Fire, or Lightning Attack: 7th level 4d6 damage, 12th level 5d6 damage, and 17th level 5d6 damage. 5 by 30 ft. line (Dex save)
Acid, Cold, Fire, or Poison Attack: 7th level 4d6 damage, 12th level 5d6 damage, and 17th level 5d6 damage. 15 ft. cone (Dex save)
Select one of the options from one of the previous upgrades.
At , 4th, 6th, and 8th levels the engineer can do any one of the following at a cost of 200gp worth of materials:
Increase Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution by +1.
Increase the size of the Clockwork creation, but it can be no larger than Large sized.
Add one condition resistance from the following list: Acid, Bludgeoning, Fire, Cold, Lightning, Piercing, Radiant, Slashing, or Thunder.
Select one of the options from one of the previous upgrades.
Increase attack reach by 5 feet.
Add one proficiency from the following list: Athletics, Acrobatics, Slight of Hand, or Stealth.
Upgrades can be switched but they require an hour and the materials to do so.
Mechanical Mind
At 3rd level, you know how to fix things including the crazy ideas of your companions. If you are within thirty feet of a companion, you can use your reaction to help on a skill check or saving throw by adding your Intelligence bonus to their roll. You can use it a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
At 6th level, you gain expertise in the skill or tool that you gained when selecting this discipline and gain proficiency in an additional skill from the list. You can repair the hit points to a damaged vehicle, even if you do not have the correct tools, equal to 5 times your alchemist solution modifier.
Alchemist Solutions
1st Level
Alchemist Fire
Alchemist Glue
Alchemist Poison
Alchemist Solvent
Dowse Flame
Fog Cloud
2nd Level
Frost Blade
Gust of Wind
Iron Skin
Poison Blade
Poison Protection
Razor Wire
Searing Blade
3rd Level
Stinking Cloud
Sun Flare
4th Level
Alchemist Grease
Healing Vapors
Ice Storm
Summon Swarm of Insects
1st Level Recipes
2nd Level Recipes
3rd Level Recipes
4th Level Recipes